
Welcome to Read Michigan! If you love the Great Lakes State and you love to read (and more importantly, if you love to read ABOUT the Great Lakes State), you're in the right place! This website contains a complete listing (at least, as complete as I can keep it) of books that either take place in Michigan, or that focus on topics pertaining to Michigan. It stemmed from my own attempt to find new Michigan-based literature to read. I love picking up a book that gives me a better insight into the people, places, and cultures that fill my home state. I figured that other people might share my interest, so...voila....Read Michigan was born.

This website is still in its preliminary stages...in the next few weeks, I'll be updating it with new genres. I'll also be posting weekly updates with news about book releases, author events, and the like. Eventually, I'd like to include book reviews and author interviews. To borrow a phrase from Meijer, I want this to be a "one-stop shop" for information about Michigan literature.

A few notes: While I realize this state has produced thousands of amazing authors whose work doesn't take place in Michigan, I've limited this website to books whose setting or primary focus is the state of Michigan. And while I'll be including full-length Kindle books in my listings, I won't be including Kindle singles. (Nothing against Kindle singles at all...it's just that I have a full-time job outside of this, and keeping track of the dozens of Michigan-based Kindle singles released every month would probably turn into another full-time endeavor.)

Please contact me with questions, comments, or leads on new authors. You can reach me at michigan101blog@gmail.com. And before you wonder about the email address, I'll direct you to my other blog, which is called, not surprisingly, Michigan 101. It features interesting stories about the people, places, and events of Michigan, both past and present. Check it out at http://michi101.blogspot.com/.

Thanks, and happy reading!